From an old cabinetmaker's workshop and a spice factory with the predestined name of Pash flora Pavy and Fernando Torres have devised a strong and indisputable concept of the high-end hamburger and in color From the beautiful of the very beautiful with the Old and the very old antique furniture of the Fiat factories of Turin Bar 1930 of a Parisian trolley of Billancourt Mirrors 1900 of a Grenoble brewery This mix so strong has created a rare place in Grenoble The meeting of a bar and a restaurant with strong southern American tones like from the North Passionate burgers and fresh and explosive Tirado ...
The kitchens led by teams from all countries offer the taste of the world around us Point da priori, a willingness to share and exchange meetings in the middle of a very seventies The boss loves her jukebox Seeburg 1970 She diffuses Aretha Franklin Ray Charles David Bowie The Stones but also Stone and Charden Attention unavoidable place especially the summer with terrace on the forecourt of the olive room Messiaen #paricilabroup #elpueblounido #lamamma #quandyaenpourdeuxyenapourtroi
11:45 - 14:00 18:30 - 23:00